Return Policy

HerbalCafePK will fully refund or replace any goods purchased if they are found to be faulty or damaged. The problem needs to be reported within 24 hours after you have received the item, after 24 hours the return policy will not be applicable. The package you want to return should be:

  • In its original packaging
  • The seal of the product is intact
  • The packaging of the product has not been tampered with


This is how you can return an item:

  1. Take a picture of the item/items that are damaged or faulty and need to be returned.
  2. E-mail us at and request a return, attach pictures of the product as well.
  3. Log in the reason for returning the item. Make sure to add your order number and the name of the items being returned, in the email.
  4. No shipping charges will be applicable.